'Reading and Writing Grade by Grade' is an indispensable
tool for analyzing literacy skills and setting specific targets for learning
for your kindergartners through third graders. Here you'll discover what
abilities and understandings children at each grade level K-3 can be expected
to have about the print-sound code, comprehension, reading and writing habits,
written genres, and language use and conventions.
Along with thoughtful commentary and suggestions for
instruction, the book and companion DVD include dozens of examples of
children's writing, samples of oral reading, and videos of children discussing
books and following written directions. Drawn from real classrooms, these work
samples show just what makes for competent performance in kindergarten through
third grade.
Part of the influential New Standards project, 'Reading and
Writing Grade by Grade' is informed by the best thinking of a committee of
distinguished educators: Marilyn Jager Adams; Rosalinda B. Barrera; Lucy
Calkins; Courtney B. Cazden; Phil Daro; Barbara R. Foorman; Mary Ellen
Giacobbe; Angela M. Jaggar; P. David Pearson; Charles Perfetti; Gay Su Pinnell;
Susan (Fitzgerald) Powell; Dorothy S. Strickland; Elizabeth Sulzby; Sharon
Taberski; William Teale; Josefina Tinajero; Maria Utevsky; and Gordon Wells.
This is great information. Early prevention really helps in a lot of these cases.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder